Wednesday, January 8, 2025


By Marianne Cole


As of January 1, 2025 we welcome the former “Village of Caroline” to become part of Clearwater County as a hamlet. As such, it joins other hamlets such as Condor, Leslieville, and Nordegg under the jurisdiction of Clearwater County. We certainly welcome all residents and businesses as we begin a new year together and hopefully enjoy many more cooperative, beneficial ones to come.


With the amalgamation coming into effect on January 1st, an Interim Council Organizational meeting will be held on January 7, 2025. At that time an interim Reeve and Deputy Reeve will be chosen by the council now made up of 6 county representatives and 1 from Caroline. Along with those 2 guiding positions, councillor representatives will be appointed to each of the various boards and committees the county is involved with. These positions will remain in effect until the municipal election in October 2025.

2025 BUDGET 

At Council’s December 20, 2024 meeting the proposed 2025 budget was initially approved. (It will be presented for final approval by Interim Council on January 7, 2025.) Highlights include:

· Operating budget: (excluding broadband and hamlet of Caroline) $55,521,258. This is up $5,894,565 (11.8%) from the 2024 budget of $49,626,693.

· Capital budget: (excluding broadband and hamlet of Caroline) $41,294,355. This is up $927,459 (2.3%) from the 2024 budget of $40,366,896.

· Broadband Operating expenses are estimated to be $1,730,585. Information in the agenda package for January 7, 2025 is somewhat confusing as one sentence says this expense is “being funded through operating revenues of $1,730,585”. In another sentence it states, “Of the $1,730,585 budgeted operating expenses, $503,000 is expected to be recuperated from broadband operations sale of service.” Are the operating revenues expected to equal the expenses or cover less than half of the costs?

· Broadband capital budget for 2025 totals $43,675,676 with $28,697,830 coming from capital revenues and $14,977,846 coming from restricted surplus.

· Caroline’s operational budget is proposed to be $1,275,003, balanced by equal proposed revenues. Interestingly, expenses include $109,000 for “Adjustments”, $57,747 “Council Expenses”, and $326,900 in “General Administration” expenses. Are these necessary expenses now following amalgamation?

· Caroline’s capital budget is proposed to be $664,448, balanced by grant revenues.


The proposed expenditure of $6M on a 10 bay heated storage facility and $11M on an indoor waste facility to be built on the county’s north quarter sparked significant discussion at Council’s December 20th meeting. Particular questions/concerns were raised on the need for these new builds, their size, and the resulting cost.

Numerous motions were made, defeated, and revised before it was ultimately decided to postpone decisions until a new council is elected in October and the 2026 budget will be dealt with by them.

Interesting comments have been heard, wondering if this is the “beginning” of more new developments “up there”.


A joint meeting of both Council and PAC is being proposed for later in January. This will be an all-day meeting to review the current draft. Following that several public engagement meetings will be held.

Coming Events: 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 and February 12, 2025, 7:39PM, Leslieville Elks’ Hall, regular monthly meetings.

Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.” Michael Josephson.

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Martin Luther King Jr.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” H. Jackson Brown Jr

Thursday, December 5, 2024


By Marianne Cole


As per a November 18, 2024 Clearwater County news release Deputy Reeve Sydney Graham submitted her resignation letter on November 17, 2024. Graham was first elected as Division 2 Councillor in October of 2021 and was voted in as Deputy Reeve at this year’s organizational meeting on October 22, 2024.

In an article in the November 20, 2024 issue of The Mountaineer Graham noted that she has been dealing with health problems but the “tipping point for her in making a decision to resign came about after contact from a resident.” This resident had criticized her for being unavailable for a council event due to a medical appointment.

We certainly thank her for her efforts and dedication as councillor for Division 2 for these past three years and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. This includes in her new position as Community & Recreation Services Coordinator with Clearwater County Agriculture & Community Services Department.


At their November 26, 2024 meeting Clearwater County Council chose Division 1 Councillor Mehlhaff as Deputy Reeve. Councillor Ratcliffe had nominated her while Councillor Northcott nominated Councillor Bryan Cermak. Via secret ballot, Councillor Mehlhaff won the majority vote. She had previously been Deputy Reeve for the 2023-2024 year.


Also at their November 26th meeting a lengthy discussion took place on the pros and cons of holding a by-election in Division 2 following Councillor Graham’s resignation. Points noted included the impact of residents in that division not having representation for almost a year, the timing of a by-election and its impact on the potential amalgamation, and the costs involved with holding a by-election.

Deputy Reeve Mehlhaff was the first to make a motion supporting a by-election but it was defeated when only Mehlhaff and Councillor Ratcliffe voted in favor. Subsequently Councillor Cermak made a motion that the seat in Division 2 remain vacant until the municipal election of 2025. This motion passed with Reeve Swanson and Councillors Lougheed, Northcott, and Cermak voting in favor.


What began as a Closed Session ended with an interesting motion.

As stated in the November 12, 2024 minutes, the Closed Session Item 10.1 was noted as “Verbal Discussion; FOIP s. 17 Disclosure Harmful to Personal Privacy,s.24. It further states that Reeve Swanson

and Councillor Ratcliffe recused themselves from voting on the motion to go into Closed Session and they left the meeting.

Upon returning to Open Session, Councillor Mehlhaff made a motion “that Council retains the services of a third party integrity commissioner to review the Code of Conduct complaint as per Code of Conduct Bylaw 1143, Section 45 (a) (b). The motion passed.


At their November 13, 2024 Annual General Meeting the Clearwater County Taxpayers’ Association welcomed two new board members, Julie Layden and Doug Skeels to the Director positions. They replace outgoing members Debbie Gastonguay and Tim Plante who we sincerely thank for their past dedication and support.

Maintaining their positions are: President Marianne Cole, Vice President Ron Schultz, Secretary Susan Durand, and Treasurer Pat Butler along with Directors Reg Belyea, Jim Foesier, and Leah Schultz.

It was great to have 32 people attend the meeting that included a guest presentation by Helge Nome from the Medicine River Watershed Alliance on serious concerns about the current drought situation and continued use of fresh water for fracking. Other interesting points of discussion focussed on the Land Use Bylaw review, the Ag. Rec. Facility Feasibility Study Results and the Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results.

Monthly meetings of the CCTA will continue to be held the second Wednesday of the month from January to June and September to November. Please note that starting January 8, 2025 meetings will be held at the Leslieville Elks Hall. We welcome all interested residents to join us for vigorous discussions on various county matters.


Coming Events: 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 and Wednesday, February 12, 2025 regular meetings at 7:30PM at Leslieville Elks Hall.

“Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.” “Gifts of time & love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly Merry Christmas.” Peg Bracken 

“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” Burton Hills.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


By Marianne Cole


At the County Council’s annual re-organizational meeting on October 22nd, Sydney Graham was voted in as Deputy Reeve while Michelle Swanson was re-installed as Reeve. We sincerely thank Councillor Gennifer Mehlhaff for her utmost dedication and hard work as both Councillor and Deputy Reeve for the past year. At the organizational meeting council members, as well as Public at Large members, were also chosen for the various county committees. We thank everyone who submitted their names for those committees for their interest in serving all residents of our county.


The Public Advisory Committee for the Land Use Bylaw review held their most recent meeting on October 23rd. Notable points of discussion included:

· Unsightly Bylaw. Discussion took place on the benefits of developing an “Unsightly Bylaw” separate from including such a section in the LUB. It was noted that it may be helpful to have information on this in both places.

· Temporary Living Accommodations in RV’s Discussion focussed on the rules regulating such, including suggested timelines.

· Mandatory Sprinkler Systems The requiring/regulating of sprinkler systems in high risk fire areas was discussed. Concerns were expressed over the success/benefit versus the cost and enforcement.

· Use of Variances Variances are often allowed in development permit applications. Discussion took place on the numerical percentage commonly allowed. In other jurisdictions variances of 10% to 40% are allowed while in Clearwater County 20% is common.

· Number of Dwellings Allowed In the proposed LUB up to 3 dwelling units may be allowed in Agriculture Districts on a parcel over 80 acres. On a parcel smaller than 80 acres only 2 dwellings would be allowed. Those same allowed numbers would apply in Recreational/leisure Residence Districts. In Country Residential Estate, Industrial/Commercial and Hamlet Residential districts only one principal dwelling would be allowed per parcel.

· Off Property Sales Questions were posed re what people may be allowed to sell off their property without a commercial license. There is currently no section in the LUB governing this but it is in the Municipal Development Plan, Section 7.2.3 under Direct Market Sales.

· Renewable Energy Guidelines This matter was discussed in Council as well and there is an appetite for protecting agricultural land.

· Seacans and Signage There are separate parts governing each of these topics. They are both quite lengthy as well as specific about their use. It wold be very helpful to have public input related to these sections. You may call the County’s Planning Department and ask for copies.

· Future Plans for the Review PAC and Council will be having further meetings in November. Hopefully a draft of the completed document will be available for perusal in January with public engagement to follow in later January/February. Ultimately it is hoped the document will be finalized in April.


After receiving development approval by Clearwater County’s Municipal Planning Committee in September, the Pine Ridge Woodlands Homeowners Group submitted an appeal of the decision. As the location in question involves a provincially controlled public land lease, the appeal was directed to the Land and Property Rights Tribunal. Originally scheduled to be heard on October 11, 2024, a request for a delay in proceedings was approved. The hearing will now be held November 15, 2024. Matters of significant concern are the potential increase in noise irritation, reduced property values, negative environmental impacts, loss of public access/use of the land outside of gun range operations, and non-compliance with guiding documents if approval were to be granted.


At County Council’s Strategic Planning meeting on October 29th, there was significant discussion on future development plans for Nordegg. This included matters related to the Nordegg Cemetary, residential areas, the industrial subdivision, and road development/improvements. Of particular importance was potential improvements to Center Street and Stuart Street. These plans involve potential changes to the playground and/or golf course. At the meeting Councillor Mehlhaff made a motion to gather public opinion on these matters through Public Engagement meetings, but this motion was defeated. On Wednesday, October 30th Councillors Mehlhaff and Ratcliffe attended a Nordegg Community Association meeting to gather information from the area residents. Following that, discussion has taken place with administration and mitigating plans for these road developments are being considered.


The AGM will be held on November 13, 2024 at 7:30PM at the Elks Hall in Leslieville. This will involve the election of officers and discussion on notable parts of the Land Use Bylaw being reviewed. We really encourage everyone to attend, become involved, and to voice your opinion of the LUB document.

“There can be no dedication to Canada’s future without a knowledge of its past.” 

John Diefenbaker, 13th Prime Minister of Canada.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


By Marianne Cole

New Ag. Rec. Facility 

   The possibility of Clearwater County building a new Ag. Rec. Facility has once again surfaced.  A feasibility survey has been sent out to 61 possible user groups to gather information on their potential usage/interest in such a facility.  In the meantime, questions/concerns have been raised about the actual viability of such a facility.

When a 2 Phase development was first proposed several years ago, Phase 1 was to include an indoor riding arena with box stalls, meeting room and other necessary amenities along with outdoor ring, parking, and camping areas.  The Capital Cost of this development was estimated at $12M. Operational figures suggested revenues of $222,600/yr. with operating costs of $352,400, leaving a yearly operational deficit of $129,800.

Phase 2 was to include expansion of the arena and spectator seating, increased box stalls, a banquet/exhibition hall, commercial kitchen, and increased meeting rooms.  The Capital budget for this expansion was an additional $10M.  The operating budget for Phase 2 included revenue of $443,000 and expenses of $506,150 leaving an operational deficit of $63,150.

It will be very interesting to see current survey results of potential interest and usage when they become available… along with revised budgets.  Then the ultimate decision will be even more interesting!!!

Clearwater County/Village of Caroline Amalgamation  

   Both councils have approved the potential amalgamation of the two municipalities and a final report has been submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for his perusal/recommendation.  Should matters proceed as planned the two would become one entity as of January 1, 2025.  An interim council consisting of all 7 county councillors and 1 village councillor (Barb Gibson) would then take control until the municipal election in October 2025.

Land Use Bylaw Review    

  Meetings continue as both Clearwater County Council and PAC (Public Advisory Council) review the current document.  With the large impact this document has on development and land use in the county, careful consideration is necessary by both groups.  As a result, the deadlines have been revised for when the final draft will be released and public engagement takes place.  It is anticipated that the draft will be available in November of 2024 with public open houses to follow in Dovercourt, Caroline, Condor, Crammond, Frisco, and virtually.

The next PAC meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2024.


Rocky Rod & Gun Club Development Approval  

  The RRGC (located just off of Hwy. 11A, across from the Pine Hills Golf Club) recently submitted a development application to expand their operation to include extensions of 2 current gun ranges, the development of a new long gun range (1 mile), expansion of the archery/biathlon area, and the establishment of a group campsite.  Despite significant opposition from local residents, MPC (Municipal Planning Committee) approved the development at their meeting on August 21, 2024. 


Concerns expressed included additional noise irritation, decline of property value, detrimental environment issues, and loss of public access to crown land. Even though the Ferrier-Garth Area Structure Plan stipulates that development should not negatively impact the quality of life of area residents, and that crown land should remain open for public use, these factors were ignored in the approval.

It is interesting to note that the RRGC has a lease on 8 quarters of crown land.  Information researched on the amount of land occupied by other gun clubs indicated that one other large operation in the Edmonton area operates successfully on 4.5 quarters (720 acres).  Why is it necessary for 8 quarters of public land to be taken out of public use here?  4 should be sufficient.

Citizen Satisfaction Survey

  In June, the county conducted a survey to gather information from area residents on how they felt about county services and operations.  Results of that survey are not yet available but we look forward to sharing them with you as soon as possible. 

Wishing You the Best 

  It was with distinct disappointment that we read Debbie Baich’s notice of resignation as Mayor of Rocky in the August 14th issue of the Western Star.  We certainly commend her on her utmost dedication to serving the residents of our community, along with her cooperative attitude towards both the town and county.  Debbie, we wish you the very best in whatever lies ahead.

Up-Coming Meetings:  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 and Wednesday, October 9, 2024

both at 7:30PM at Arbutus Community Hall.

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”  Anonymous

“Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all other seasons.”  Jim Bishop

Thursday, June 6, 2024


By Marianne Cole

1% Tax Rate Increase 

At their May 14, 2024 meeting Clearwater County Council passed a motion to increase the tax mill rate by 1%. Significant discussion took place on the questionable need for an increase when assessments had previously increased and, together with additional growth (mostly in industry) there was already $2,593,585 in extra revenue. Additional concerns also noted the potential impact it might have on residents.

Together with the increase in the Alberta Education requisition (which the county has no control over, the increase in assessment, and now the 1% increase in mill rate, residents might face approximately a 10% increase over last year’s taxes.

“Justification” for the raise was to maintain quality of services as well as plan for future capital projects including, among others, an Ag. Rec. Facility and a new Admin. Building.

In the end, motions for 2nd and 3rd reading passed. Special kudos to Deputy Reeve Mehlhaff and Councillors Northcott and Ratcliffe for opposing the motions due to their concerns for fiscal responsibility and the well-being of county residents.

County/Caroline Amalgamation 

Another joint meeting of both councils was held on May 24, 2024 with lengthy discussion on the following topics:

· Council Representation and Electoral Wards Discussion took place on how to maintain 7 wards (divisions) with 7 councillors in the “new” municipality. Concerns focussed on how to best accommodate Caroline. Generally it was felt most desirable to keep Caroline as one unit rather than splitting it into two wards (Divisions 4 and 6). In the end a motion was passed that Caroline would become part of Division 6 for the 2025 election with a formal review before the 2029 election.

· Interim Council Very extensive discussion took place on this topic. Originally a decision had been made that the interim Council (to operate from January 1, 2025 until October 20, 2025) would be made up of all current council members from both jurisdictions. Following concerns raised that this may present an unequal balance favoring Caroline, it was decided to re-visit the matter. Significant comments, concerns, and ideas were raised by members of both councils related to councillor remuneration, representation fairness, and council efficiency as 12 members could potentially be unwieldy.

In the end a motion was passed to have 8 members on the interim council with 7 from the county and 1 from Caroline.

· Public Participation and Next Steps No further open houses/public meetings are planned. All further information will be posted on line or potentially in the local papers. Councils are scheduled to review a draft Amalgamation Negotiation Report at their next joint meeting on June 14, 2024. Subsequent important dates are:

June 28, 2024: Final Report posted online for public information

July 23, 2024: Final Report presented to Councils for their approval.

July 31, 2024: Report submitted to Minister of Municipal Affairs

August 1 – December 31, 2024: Minister reviews report and makes a recommendation for formation of an amalgamated municipality.

January 1, 2025: Potential effective date of amalgamation.


The Public Advisory Committee (PAC) held a recent meeting on May 21, 2024. Important topics of discussion and comments related to them included:

a. Sea-Cans

· There’s a general need for them across the county.

· The rules/guidelines for their use need to be less restrictive.

b. Secondary Suites

· Again, concerns were expressed over the restrictions, most notably the restrictive size allowing only a maximum size of 750 sq. ft..

· There is a need to differentiate them from being an Airbnb.

· Need to review the distinction between permitted use vs. discretionary use in different districts/areas of the county

c. Short Term Rentals There is currently a separate County Bylaw governing these so there is no opportunity to appeal a permit approval for them. Putting it into the LUB would allow for appeals. Concerns raised focussed on how to ensure proper use, favorable clientele, and differentiating between secondary suites and short term rentals. General consensus was that their governance should be included in the Land Use Bylaw.

d. What We’ve Heard Report Concerns have been raised with the lack of public meetings and the opportunity for public input. Currently it is suggested that meetings on the LUB draft may take place in August/September. This is, however, not a very positive time as people are on holidays and farmers are in the field haying and/or harvesting.

The next PAC meetings are scheduled for June 18, 2024 and July 18, 2024.

Up-Coming Meetings: 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, and September 11, 2024, both at 7:30PM at Arbutus Community Hall. Note: No meetings in July and August as we all take a holiday.

 “Happiness is the first day of summer holidays.”!!!

Friday, May 3, 2024


By Marianne Cole


Two public open house meetings and one virtual meeting were held April 17 – 19, 2024. The following concerns and information were gathered from those meetings:

· First of all the format was very disappointing. Rather than a sit-down meeting, attendees had to walk around and read various information charts. Staff and councillors were available to answer questions.

· Most people felt it would have been much more beneficial to have an open, informative presentation followed by a question/answer session. That way everyone would have been given equal opportunity to hear the same information along with all questions and concerns. Comments heard at both meetings suggested this was a “divide and conquer” format.

· Currently councils are discussing possible operational plans as well as issues such as make-up of the interim council and wards/divisions for the new municipality.

· Opinions on those important matters are also being gathered on a survey available on the county’s website or at the county office. We certainly encourage you to complete the survey.

· Of significant discussion at the joint amalgamation meeting of April 25, 2024 were concerns about financial implications. It seems there is definitely information lacking about future infrastructure costs in Caroline and this is a noted issue for county council members.

· A “What We Heard” Report will be prepared and released to the public, hopefully later in May or early June.

· We certainly hope public meetings will then be held to present and discuss that information.

County Proposing a 1% Tax Rate Increase

This was a key item of discussion at the county council meeting on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. Key points noted were: (Special note: For clarity, the actual taxes you pay are calculated by taking the assessed value of your property and multiplying it by the mill rate set by county council. Also, all quotes are taken from the meeting’s agenda package.)

· As a result of inflation, property assessment values in the county have increased 1.8%, resulting in “additional revenue of just under $900,000 for the county.”

· Increased growth, mostly in industry, is “contributing additional revenue of approximately $1.7million” or about 3.2% over last year.

· Together, “The change in assessment base is contributing an additional $2,593,585 in tax revenue over the 2023 budget which does not include the 1% tax rate increase that is included in this draft.”

· A draft of the 2023 audited financial statements also presented at Tuesday’s meeting showed that as of December 31, 2023 there was an unrestricted surplus (can be used as needed) of $100,000 while the restricted surplus (dedicated to specific categories) was $108,661,116.

· To compare how Clearwater County rates with neighboring jurisdictions, research showed in 2022 audited financials (2023 figures weren’t available for some neighbors) that restricted surpluses put Clearwater County at the top with $103, 297,385 while neighbors ranged from about $26M to $87M.

· Clearwater County passed first reading (on a vote of 5-2) to approve a 1% tax rate increase but it will be brought back on May 14, 2023 for 2nd and 3rd reading.

· Kudos are sent to the council members that expressed concerns over the need questionable need for a tax increase given the increase in revenue the county will already be receiving.

· Perhaps increased fiscal responsibility is necessary instead of a tax rate increase.

Broadband A Broadband Committee meeting

Began on Thursday, April 18, 2024 but ended before the agenda could be completed due to the amalgamation open house meeting also happening that day. The meeting was reconvened on Friday, April 26, 2024. Highlights/questions from that meeting were:

· A review of the “services” provided by the county which include Lit Services (internet and date transmission for immediate use), Tower and POP leasing (renting space on towers and Point of Presence locations), Dark Fibre Services (leasing unused fibre optic cable), and Subduct Leasing (leasing space within underground cables for installing fibre optic cables)

· Questions/concerns arose related to Rigstar’s responsibilities and involvement with operations. (Rigstar is an independent company that has been hired by the county as a “Network Operator”.)

· Significant discussion took place on assisting with providing broadband connectivity to the North Saskatchewan River Park (the rodeo grounds). It has been noted that this would be a great benefit to users of that location.

· As the town of Rocky owns that property the county would need to discuss connectivity options with them.

· A motion was passed recommending that administration meet with the town to gather more information on costs and operation opportunities moving forward.

· We certainly hope that joint cooperation will be possible and that we can have a beneficial solution in the near future.

· A March 15, 2024 letter from the CCTA requesting information on broadband finances and operation, including Rigstar’s responsibilities, was also discussed. Administration will be gathering information to provide answers to the questions asked in the letter.


Our sincerest condolences are being extended to the Ahlstrom family on the recent passing of Lavern. Lavern was the primary instigator of getting the Clearwater County Taxpayers’ Association organized and was a dedicated member since it started as an ad hoc committee in 2010 and became an official society in 2013. His sincere care for his community in various ways will certainly be missed.

Coming Events: 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 7:30PM and 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 7:30PM regular meetings at Arbutus Community Hall

“May is the time when everything awakens and springs into action.” Unknown

“Spring is the time for plans and projects.” Leo Tolstoy

“ Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party’!!” Robin Williams

Saturday, April 6, 2024


By Marianne Cole

County/Caroline Amalgamation 

The latest meeting of both councils to discuss the proposed amalgamation was held on March 14, 2024. Some key points of interest include:

· Change of voting process. In all previous meetings decision making involved a “consensus model” of voting. As noted in the agenda package that process is “based on the principle that members agree to support the decision even when it’s not everyone’s favorite choice.

Following significant discussion, a decision was made to move forward with a majority rule group based decision making. As such, when a motion is made, individual votes will be counted in two groups, one by county councillors and one by Caroline councillors. If a majority votes in favor in each group, it is recognized as passed motion. A motion is lost when one group votes in opposition, or individual votes in a group are tied.

This allowed each member of each council to vote as they wished or felt was most beneficial rather than having to conform with the group.

· Interim Council and Wards A motion was passed that the Amalgamation Committee (both councils) review the makeup of the Interim Council and the electoral wards. Originally the Interim Council, effective January 1, 2025, would consist of 12 members: 7 Clearwater County Councillors and 5 Village of Caroline Councillors. Concerns have subsequently been expressed that this gave an unequal/unfair representation advantage to the village. (Almost 50% votes for 4.5% of the amalgamated population.) It will be interesting to see what future decisions are made with regards to the number of council members on the Interim Council and the representation from each jurisdiction.

· Public Engagement Meetings In person Public Engagement Meetings will be held on: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 from 4:00PM to 7:00PM at the Caroline Hub and Thursday, April 18, 2024 from 4:00PM to 7:00PM at the Leslieville Community Hall. A virtual on-line meeting will be held on Friday, April 19, 2024 from 11:00AM to 1:00PM. You can go to the county’s website for further information and to join in.

We certainly appreciate the efforts for public engagement but have expressed our distinct concerns with the inconvenient time of the day those meetings are being held. We really hope people will be able to make the necessary arrangements for their participation.

Land Use Bylaw Review 

There is nothing new to report about the review of the current document and PAC (the Public Advisory Committee) has not had any meetings since January 30, 2024 and no further ones are scheduled.

One interesting new proposed Renewable Energy Land Use Bylaw was brought forward at the February 27, 2024 Council meeting. This was a very lengthy article with extremely technical, difficult to understand language. Following discussion the request was made to review/redo the proposed bylaw. With the current LUB under review, as well as provincial guidelines being discussed, it will be interesting to see what develops with this article.

“In the Wind” 

Several items related to Strategic Planning were brought forward at the March 26th Council meeting. Perhaps highlighting the list was a request for a report from administration on Clearwater County Future Facility Needs along a request for the opportunity for future discussion on an Agriculture Recreation Facility.

These were “hot” items back in 2016 after the county had purchased the quarter of land north of Rocky on the airport road and plans were proposed for a new administration building as well as an Ag Rec/Indoor Rodeo facility. It will be interesting to see what discussion and action is “in the wind”.

Up-coming CCTA Meeting 

At our April 10th meeting we will be hosting Ross Watson as a guest speaker. Ross is a long time farmer in both Clearwater and Red Deer counties and has significant experience with land use issues. As he is aware that we are currently reviewing our land use bylaws he offered to share his knowledge and experience with us in order to help address potential concerns with our proposed LUB. We certainly welcome his offer of assistance and look forward to hearing his presentation.

Coming Events: 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, regular meeting with guest speaker, Ross Watson. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 7:30PM, regular monthly meeting, Arbutus Community Hall

“An optimist is the human personification of spring.” Susan J. Bissonette

“Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” Doug Larson

“Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.” Virgil A. Kraft