Highlights from recent council meetings- 5th CPO Approved--- Council recently approved the hiring of another Community Police Officer to replace the officer lost earlier. Points of interest in this regard: MD of Wainwright has NO CPO’s; County of Ponoka has 1; and the County of Lacombe will be reducing to 4 in the near future.
- Nordegg Trails--- Council has approved a 25 km. trail concept for Nordegg. The consultant who developed the plan is a Nordegg resident. The estimated cost per kilometre for the multi-use system is $65, 000.00. At that rate the cost of completing the entire project would be $1.625 million. Note of interest: An online survey put out last summer netted 46 responses. The only comment made from that was that residents in the northern sub-division were concerned about the traffic on trails near their residences.
Div. 1: Jim Duncan at, (403)845-6319;
Div. 2: Kyle Greenwood at, (403)729-2053;
Div. 3: Curt Maki at, (403)746-3642;
Div. 4: John Vandermeer at, (403) 722-2186;
Div. 5: Theresa Laing at, (403)845-7120;
Div. 6: Earl Graham at, (403)722-2774;
Div. 7: Pat Alexander at, (403) 729-2399.
ROSES This month we would like to send a bouquet of roses to the councillors who have shown fiscal responsibility and concern for the impact the current economy will have on our jurisdiction. Repeatedly during the last 2 months Councilors Laing and Vandermeer have expressed caution on county spending. Councilor Greenwood also voted against the capital portion of the budget which would include spending on projects on the county’s new property. Special kudos to these councillors for their thoughtful, responsible reactions regarding county finances.
RANT The continued secrecy around the county’s potential development on its land north of Rocky continues to draw the ire of many. Rumors abound on the county’s excessive spending on 3 proposed new buildings but no first-hand information is forth-coming. It is time for our council/administration to come out from behind closed doors and face the people who’ll be paying the bills. Meetings should be organized in each division of the county so a complete outline of the plans with cost estimates can be presented to the people who’ll be on the hook for these potentially grandiose schemes. Not only do taxpayers deserve to receive the info, but they should also be worthy of the opportunity to provide input on how their dollars will be spent.
Thursday, April 14, 2016, CCTA Regular meeting,7:30PM, Leslieville Elks’ Hall
Thursday, May 12, 2016, CCTA Regular meeting, 7:30PM, Leslieville Elks’ Hall
Please note time change for the regular monthly meetings, from 7:00PM to 7:30PM.