1. Interesting Election Results
Electors county wide spoke very clearly in most divisions that a change in council was necessary. The only close race came in Division 6 where there was a one vote split between two new candidates, and a re-count affirmed the original winner. County results are as follows:
Division 1: Jim Duncan (acclaimed)
Division 2: Cammie Laird--- 293; Dick Wymenga--- 161; Kyle Greenwood--- 72
Division 3: Daryl Lougheed--- 225; Curt Maki--- 146: Megan Jeffery--- 19
Division 4: John Vandermeer (acclaimed)
Division 5: Theresa Laing--- 407; Bob Bryant--- 108; Andrea Garnier Spongberg--- 35
Division 6: Timothy Hoven--- 148; Diana Spencer--- 147; Lorissa Nafziger--- 50
Division 7: Michelle Swanson--- 312; Pat Alexander--- 164
2. New Reeve Chosen
At County Council’s organizational meeting on October 24th council chose John Vandermeer as the new Reeve with Jim Duncan as the Deputy Reeve. For both this is their third term as councillor. Council and Member at Large representatives were also chosen for the numerous boards that the county is involved with. The County still needs Members at Large for the following boards: Central Alberta Economic Partnership---1 member; Clearwater County Heritage Board---1 member; Subdivision Development Appeal Board--- 1 member and 2 Alternate members. Applications for these positions as well as a complete list of the boards and their members can be found on the county’s web-site under News Releases.
3. Questions re Caroline’s Salt/Sand Storage Facility Answered
Questions had been recently raised about issues at the new Caroline salt/sand storage facility being built and “talk” had circulated about cement being hauled away and then new re-poured. In a phone call to Public Works on November 3, 2017 it was explained that the original plans were for a 40’ x 60’ building (the same size as the existing facility). The footings had been poured for that when it was revealed that the new plow/sand truck was 39 ½’ long, and with the new plan having side doors, the width of the facility was insufficient. Consequently the footings on one side had to be removed and the building’s size changed to 60’ x 60’. This has moved the completion date back somewhat but it is expected that the facility will be done by the end of December.
4. Special Speaker for January Meeting
Our new Reeve, John Vandermeer has kindly agreed to speak at the January 11, 2018 meeting. Originally invited to be a guest speaker at our up-coming Annual General Meeting on November 9, John suggested that he would have much more information to share at the later meeting. Much of the time since his selection as Reeve has been taken with orientation, and this will be followed by the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties convention in mid-November.
5. Guest Speaker for Annual General Meeting
Our MLA, Jason Nixon, will be our guest speaker for our AGM on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 7:00PM at the Leslieville Elks’ Hall. Jason was recently chosen by the newly elected UCP (United Conservative Party) leader Jason Kenney as the interim UCP House Leader/Opposition Leader as Kenney does not currently hold a seat in the Legislature. It certainly speaks well for the confidence that the UCP party has in our MLA and it will be very interesting to hear about current plans and issues on the provincial level.
ROSES: Special bouquets of roses go out to every person who took the time to go and vote in the civic elections on October 16th. It was great to see the increase in voter numbers and the distinct voice that was proclaimed. Congratulations to all the winners. Roses also go out to all the volunteers and family members who gave their time and efforts to support the various candidates that were running. The success of this election was the result of a combination of dedicated efforts. Roses are being sent to everyone involved!
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: People who disagree with you doesn’t make them better or less. (Anonymous)
COMING EVENTS: Annual General Meeting,Thursday, November 9, 2017, 7:00PM, Leslieville Elks’ Hall
Regular Monthly Meeting, Thursday, January 11, 2018, Leslieville Elks’ Hall
(NOTE: All monthly meetings will now be starting at 7:00PM until we change to 7:30PM in May.)