Dear Clearwater County Council,
I recently had the opportunity to watch Council’s December 8th meeting, noting particularly the discussion on the broadband matters. Certainly, while some of the comments/actions were inappropriate, I felt that generally the discussion was orderly, and some very valuable, concrete, and current information was presented. I am, however, troubled by the outcome of the vote on the second motion put forward by Deputy Reeve Vandermeer. Consequently I am writing this letter as I feel the whole broadband matter may be an important issue during your up-coming budget deliberations, December 16th and 17th.
First of all, I, and many of our Clearwater County Taxpayers’ Association members, support the County’s goal to improve connectivity in our area. We fully support the comments that have been repeatedly expressed that improved connectivity is absolutely necessary to sustain/improve the economy of our County.
While the fibre backbone project is a positive first step, it must be supported by fibre to the premise. Relying only on a fibre backbone project is like seeding a field without putting down some fertilizer as well. The eventual outcome has decreased profitability. As for the County’s connectivity “harvest”, it will be seriously impacted not only by reduced future client income (that could help offset expenses), but also by the diminished potential for a successful grant application. My understanding from the information presented at the meeting was that the federal grant was for Fibre to the Premise. As such I would expect the County to position itself for successful grant application. Furthermore, a backbone does not help a single resident unless there is connectivity from it to the residences.
Other potential methods of improving connectivity are largely unproven, currently unavailable, and likely inefficient in our forested, mountainous, and resident-distanced area. We must move forward now with the most reliable and most efficient tools we have or we will be “left in the dark.” While installing lower quality systems may be less expensive in the short term, they will need to be replaced over time to achieve a service that enables our residents to function and compete in the digital age. Why not do it right the first time??
Furthermore, the installation of extra, unnecessary fibre (going all the way to Olds) must be eliminated. Providing a high quality service for our residents must be the priority. The cost saving by cutting unnecessary installation of fibre to areas OUTSIDE our county could be more efficiently applied to reaching that priority for the residences IN OUR OWN COUNTY. It was also mentioned at the Council meeting that installing fibre to Olds may negatively impact future grant success. Would it not make most sense to position Clearwater County to take advantage of as many grants as possible??
Consequently, I urge Council to direct Administration to proceed with whatever actions are necessary to ensure that we will be adequately prepared to apply for any grant money (provincial or federal) whenever that may become available. Playing offense, and being prepared, should ensure timely, high quality applications that would have a higher chance of being successful. It is completely fool hardy not to attempt to access money that is available as we work to improve the economy and lives of our taxpayers.
In conclusion I trust that Council will consider these comments very seriously as they deliberate the most beneficial and fiscally responsible budget decisions. The financial future is definitely uncertain and doing your utmost to promote the greatest return benefit to the County is crucial.
Yours truly,
Marianne Cole