By Marianne Cole
FOIP Reply
As noted in our March newsletter the CCTA had made a FOIP request to gather information on broadband expenses to date, as well as a proposed business plan. Last week we received a reply with the noted information:
· “…a search…failed to retrieve any records specific to your request for Items 1 to 3”. (1… costs of fibre optic cable installation on the Sundre, Ferrier, and Nordegg backbone projects; 2… cost to install fibre from the County border to Olds; 3… copy of the business plan including capital costs, operating costs, and projected revenues)
· “However being as the County is responsive and compliant with FOIP legislation … the County decided to produce the attached financial reports responsive to Items 1 & 2”.
· “In regard to your request for Item 3, I’m confirming no record exists at this time, as it is currently under development.”
· From the information that was provided a total of $11,636,827.90 has been spent on the broadband backbone projects in Ferrier, out to Nordegg, and towards Caroline, Sundre and Olds.
· Of the above amount, a total of $2,973,956.96 has been spent on POP (Point of Presence) facilities that will house “connection” locations/operations. POP facilities are being set up in Rocky, Ferrier, Nordegg, Caroline, Olds, and Calgary. The information gathered on the size of a facility needed in each location varies from a “small bar-sized fridge type cupboard” to an ATCO sized trailer. The cost to date for the Rocky POP is $1,653,604.01.
There continues to be confusing information regarding the “need” to go to Olds, our involvement with O-Net (a now municipally controlled internet service provider) and the need for a POP in Calgary. It is equally troubling to find out about the lack of information being given to Council on this whole matter, when they are the ones who are responsible for making fiscally reasonable decisions on our behalf.
Strategic Plan Review
As noted in our March Beacon, the Strategic Plan is currently under review. This document guides Council and Administration in developing general communications and operational plans. In an effort to help provide an opportunity for public input, we will be hosting Doug Griffiths, the consultant from 13 Ways at our up-coming April 13th meeting. He will begin with a presentation and then open the floor to public comments/questions. We encourage you to come and bring a friend to help provide valuable input into the development of a document that has a future impact on all taxpayers.
Caroline Seniors’ Housing Project
A very informative public meeting was held in Caroline on March 28th to present information on a potential seniors’ housing plan. While there is a possible plan for a facility that could provide 3 levels of care (independent living, lodge living, and supportive 24-7 care) it was noted that likely the most financially beneficial facility should focus on the independent and lodge type living.
Floor plans and descriptions of the amenities in the 3 story facility were presented, with options for 2 bedroom “apartments” with balconies for independent living along with the 1 bedroom lodge living suites. Provision would be made for dining, visitor, and recreation areas. A proposed budget of $16M was presented along with a 5 year start to finish action plan/timeline. It was also noted that a cooperative, community stake-holder model would be beneficial in order to receive government grant funding. We wish all those involved the very best and congratulate them on their efforts to allow our seniors to happily “age in place” in our community.
Municipal Development Plan Review
There is no new information on the County’s review of the Municipal Development Plan, HOWEVER, the CCTA will be hosting John Knapp, a representative from Parkland County at our May 11, 2022 meeting. Parkland County is one of 13 municipal jurisdictions (both urban and rural) that worked cooperatively in 2021 to develop RAMP a Rural Agricultural Management Plan. Their efforts came as a result of concerns related to the potentially negative impact of urban sprawl and the need to protect agricultural land. We are very excited to hear about their efforts/concerns with the hope that the information presented will be helpful as our county moves forward with our MDP review. We hope to see you at this meeting…along with all your friends.
Coming Events:
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, Regular monthly meeting with guest speaker, Doug Griffiths on the county’s Strategic Plan review.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, Regular monthly meeting with guest speaker John Knapp speaking on the Rural Agricultural Management Plan developed in the Edmonton area.
Smiles for April: What kind of jewellery does the Easter Bunny wear? 14 carrot gold. What happened to the Easter Bunny when he misbehaved at school? He was eggspelled.