By Marianne Cole
The latest Municipal Development Plan draft will be brought before County Council on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 for 2nd and 3rd reading.
This follows the large public hearing held on February 29, 2023 and a motion made then time to table 2nd reading. That allowed Council an opportunity to meet with Planning and the Vicinia consultant to address public input and make potential changes.
The following are current highlights re this process:
· As of April 26, 2023 no draft of the revised document is available to the public.
· It will be become available on May 3, 2023 on the county’s website as part of the agenda package for the May 9th meeting.
· The most notable possible revisions would likely be focussed on allowable subdivisions out of a quarter.
· You may go to and click on the government, council, meeting and agenda links to find information on the current document.
· While opportunity for public input ended with the February’s public hearing, your presence at the May 9th meeting could be very helpful in promoting council’s attention to resident/taxpayer wishes and opinion.
At that meeting Council will review the document and will then make a decision to pass 2nd reading, defeat 2nd reading, or table 2nd reading to allow further review. If passed, they can proceed with 3rd reading and if that passes, the document becomes “law”. The other two options would again delay the process.
Significant information was presented and discussed at the April 26th Council meeting on both the 2022 financial audit numbers and the up-coming tax rate for 2023. Interesting points included:
· As of December 31, 2022 there was an unrestricted surplus of $3,291, 875, up from $2, 164,056 in 2021. (This is undesignated money that can be used as needed.)
· As of December 31, 2022 there was a restricted surplus of $102, 797, 385, down from $109,198, 656 in 2021. This is money specifically allocated to funding certain projects/categories if needed (roads, bridges, capital purchases, special projects such as broadband, etc.).
· Large discussion took place on the overall tax rate, along with differing tax rates for residential, farmland, and non-residential (commercial/industrial properties).
· Finally a motion was made to have administration draft a proposed tax rate bylaw that would see a 3% increase on residential/farmland properties and 3.5% increase on non-residential. During discussion, up to 5% had be mentioned for non-residential.
· The draft will be presented at the next council meeting on May 9, 2023 at which time Council will again discuss the matter and make a decision.
Four guest speakers presented excellent information on solar farm projects at the Arbutus Community Hall on April 12, 2023. The presenters included MLA Jason Nixon, Stan Bell with Stewards of Ag. Land (SAL). Darcy Allen from the Farmers’ Advocate Office, and Mark Dorin from Polluters Pay.
Notable highlights presented included:
· Concerns with the loss of valuable farmland.
· Questionable efficiency of solar projects.
· Concerns with reclamation and who’s responsible if the company becomes bankrupt.
· The strong need for landowners to gather legal advice when/if signing contract agreements with solar companies.
· Impact on surrounding land values and way of life.
· Concerns with the control held by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) as they are solely responsible for reviewing, approving, or refusing solar project applications. It was noted that they are seriously over-loaded with applications of various sorts and this may impact their ability to adequately review/assess applications.
(Note: The AUC’s recent denial of a solar project near Frank Lake east of High River was its first denial. It was denied due to potential negative impact on migratory birds in that area.)
· The lack of control the county has in assessing/approving solar projects.
Certainly losing necessary food-producing land for an operation that may only be 17% efficient raises significant concerns. It was also interesting to note that solar companies do not make their money from selling power to the grid, but rather by selling carbon credits to purchasers such as Amazon!!
4. Exciting Return of Trade Show Sponsored by the Rocky Chamber of Commerce, a Trade Show will be held on May 12 & 13, 2023 at the Regional Rec Center in Rocky. This event has been absent for a few years and it is great to see it happening again. It will be a special opportunity for local businesses and residents to come together for a mutually enjoyable, beneficial event.
Up-Coming Events:
Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 9:00AM, County Council Meeting,
Regular CCTA meetings:
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 and Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 7:30PM at Arbutus Community Hall
Thoughts for May
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. Audrey Hepburn
Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years. Unknown
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. Robert Lewis Stevenson.