By Marianne Cole
Congratulations to Michelle Swanson on being chosen as the Clearwater County Reeve at Council’s organizational meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Nominated by Councillor Graham, Reeve Swanson defeated former Reeve Daryl Lougheed in a secret ballot vote. Councillor Mehlhaff was reinstated as Deputy Reeve, while winning over the other remaining council members.
While this is Reeve Swanson’s second term as councillor it is her first as Reeve. Deputy Reeve Mehlhaff is in her first term as councillor but this is her second appointment as Deputy Reeve.
Another very timely item at Council’s organization meeting was the appointment of the Public Advisory Committee that will work with Council’s Steering Committee on the Land Use Bylaw review. Forty plus people had submitted applications for this committee and the following eight were chosen: Marianne Cole, Jim Duncan, Earl Graham, Bob Haagsma, Shawna Norad, Amanda Thompson, and Rod Tomyn. They come from all areas of the county and represent a wide variety of expertise. We welcome their interest and dedication to developing a positive, beneficial revised LUB reflective of the wishes of the residents.
Council recently held an “Amalgamation Workshop” to gather more information on the process as well as drafting a bylaw that will be used as they move forward with discussions on this matter. This was a closed session and no information from it is available.
In the meantime, the CCTA has been working to gather information on the pros and cons of the options of amalgamation versus dissolution. Several attempts have been made to get a speaker from Municipal Affairs to address the issue but in recent correspondence it stated, “The Municipal Viability Team’s practice is not to make presentation to stakeholder groups during amalgamation proceedings.”
An invitation was also sent inviting the county’s Reeve Swanson and Deputy Reeve Mehlhaff, along with Caroline’s Mayor Rimmer and Deputy Mayor Gibson to attend the CCTA Annual General Meeting coming up in mid November. A response has been received from Reeve Swanson declining the invitation.
It is both disappointing and frustrating that the provision of adequate, unbiased information about the potential impact on both county and village residents is being denied… and they are the ones funding the process. How can we provide feedback to our councils when we don’t have sufficient information to create an informed opinion?
The Annual General Meeting of the Clearwater County Taxpayers’ Association will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 7:30PM at the Arbutus Community Hall. This is one week later than the normal meeting date which would have been held while the Rural Municipalities Association convention is taking place, making it impossible for councillors to attend our meeting and we always appreciate their input. Not only will we be electing new members to the board, we are hoping that we will have some more information about the County/Caroline amalgamation process. We really encourage you to come to our AGM and send a warm welcome to new members as we “work together for the common good”.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, Annual General Meeting. Note: We do not have a meeting in December and the January meeting date will be determined at the AGM.
“We must dare to be great and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage.” Theodore Roosevelt.