By Marianne Cole
County/Caroline Amalgamation
The latest meeting of both councils to discuss the proposed amalgamation was held on March 14, 2024. Some key points of interest include:
· Change of voting process. In all previous meetings decision making involved a “consensus model” of voting. As noted in the agenda package that process is “based on the principle that members agree to support the decision even when it’s not everyone’s favorite choice.
Following significant discussion, a decision was made to move forward with a majority rule group based decision making. As such, when a motion is made, individual votes will be counted in two groups, one by county councillors and one by Caroline councillors. If a majority votes in favor in each group, it is recognized as passed motion. A motion is lost when one group votes in opposition, or individual votes in a group are tied.
This allowed each member of each council to vote as they wished or felt was most beneficial rather than having to conform with the group.
· Interim Council and Wards A motion was passed that the Amalgamation Committee (both councils) review the makeup of the Interim Council and the electoral wards. Originally the Interim Council, effective January 1, 2025, would consist of 12 members: 7 Clearwater County Councillors and 5 Village of Caroline Councillors. Concerns have subsequently been expressed that this gave an unequal/unfair representation advantage to the village. (Almost 50% votes for 4.5% of the amalgamated population.) It will be interesting to see what future decisions are made with regards to the number of council members on the Interim Council and the representation from each jurisdiction.
· Public Engagement Meetings In person Public Engagement Meetings will be held on: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 from 4:00PM to 7:00PM at the Caroline Hub and Thursday, April 18, 2024 from 4:00PM to 7:00PM at the Leslieville Community Hall. A virtual on-line meeting will be held on Friday, April 19, 2024 from 11:00AM to 1:00PM. You can go to the county’s website for further information and to join in.
We certainly appreciate the efforts for public engagement but have expressed our distinct concerns with the inconvenient time of the day those meetings are being held. We really hope people will be able to make the necessary arrangements for their participation.
Land Use Bylaw Review
There is nothing new to report about the review of the current document and PAC (the Public Advisory Committee) has not had any meetings since January 30, 2024 and no further ones are scheduled.
One interesting new proposed Renewable Energy Land Use Bylaw was brought forward at the February 27, 2024 Council meeting. This was a very lengthy article with extremely technical, difficult to understand language. Following discussion the request was made to review/redo the proposed bylaw. With the current LUB under review, as well as provincial guidelines being discussed, it will be interesting to see what develops with this article.
“In the Wind”
Several items related to Strategic Planning were brought forward at the March 26th Council meeting. Perhaps highlighting the list was a request for a report from administration on Clearwater County Future Facility Needs along a request for the opportunity for future discussion on an Agriculture Recreation Facility.
These were “hot” items back in 2016 after the county had purchased the quarter of land north of Rocky on the airport road and plans were proposed for a new administration building as well as an Ag Rec/Indoor Rodeo facility. It will be interesting to see what discussion and action is “in the wind”.
Up-coming CCTA Meeting
At our April 10th meeting we will be hosting Ross Watson as a guest speaker. Ross is a long time farmer in both Clearwater and Red Deer counties and has significant experience with land use issues. As he is aware that we are currently reviewing our land use bylaws he offered to share his knowledge and experience with us in order to help address potential concerns with our proposed LUB. We certainly welcome his offer of assistance and look forward to hearing his presentation.
Coming Events:
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, regular meeting with guest speaker, Ross Watson.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 7:30PM, regular monthly meeting, Arbutus Community Hall
“An optimist is the human personification of spring.” Susan J. Bissonette
“Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” Doug Larson
“Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.” Virgil A. Kraft