Thursday, June 6, 2024


By Marianne Cole

1% Tax Rate Increase 

At their May 14, 2024 meeting Clearwater County Council passed a motion to increase the tax mill rate by 1%. Significant discussion took place on the questionable need for an increase when assessments had previously increased and, together with additional growth (mostly in industry) there was already $2,593,585 in extra revenue. Additional concerns also noted the potential impact it might have on residents.

Together with the increase in the Alberta Education requisition (which the county has no control over, the increase in assessment, and now the 1% increase in mill rate, residents might face approximately a 10% increase over last year’s taxes.

“Justification” for the raise was to maintain quality of services as well as plan for future capital projects including, among others, an Ag. Rec. Facility and a new Admin. Building.

In the end, motions for 2nd and 3rd reading passed. Special kudos to Deputy Reeve Mehlhaff and Councillors Northcott and Ratcliffe for opposing the motions due to their concerns for fiscal responsibility and the well-being of county residents.

County/Caroline Amalgamation 

Another joint meeting of both councils was held on May 24, 2024 with lengthy discussion on the following topics:

· Council Representation and Electoral Wards Discussion took place on how to maintain 7 wards (divisions) with 7 councillors in the “new” municipality. Concerns focussed on how to best accommodate Caroline. Generally it was felt most desirable to keep Caroline as one unit rather than splitting it into two wards (Divisions 4 and 6). In the end a motion was passed that Caroline would become part of Division 6 for the 2025 election with a formal review before the 2029 election.

· Interim Council Very extensive discussion took place on this topic. Originally a decision had been made that the interim Council (to operate from January 1, 2025 until October 20, 2025) would be made up of all current council members from both jurisdictions. Following concerns raised that this may present an unequal balance favoring Caroline, it was decided to re-visit the matter. Significant comments, concerns, and ideas were raised by members of both councils related to councillor remuneration, representation fairness, and council efficiency as 12 members could potentially be unwieldy.

In the end a motion was passed to have 8 members on the interim council with 7 from the county and 1 from Caroline.

· Public Participation and Next Steps No further open houses/public meetings are planned. All further information will be posted on line or potentially in the local papers. Councils are scheduled to review a draft Amalgamation Negotiation Report at their next joint meeting on June 14, 2024. Subsequent important dates are:

June 28, 2024: Final Report posted online for public information

July 23, 2024: Final Report presented to Councils for their approval.

July 31, 2024: Report submitted to Minister of Municipal Affairs

August 1 – December 31, 2024: Minister reviews report and makes a recommendation for formation of an amalgamated municipality.

January 1, 2025: Potential effective date of amalgamation.


The Public Advisory Committee (PAC) held a recent meeting on May 21, 2024. Important topics of discussion and comments related to them included:

a. Sea-Cans

· There’s a general need for them across the county.

· The rules/guidelines for their use need to be less restrictive.

b. Secondary Suites

· Again, concerns were expressed over the restrictions, most notably the restrictive size allowing only a maximum size of 750 sq. ft..

· There is a need to differentiate them from being an Airbnb.

· Need to review the distinction between permitted use vs. discretionary use in different districts/areas of the county

c. Short Term Rentals There is currently a separate County Bylaw governing these so there is no opportunity to appeal a permit approval for them. Putting it into the LUB would allow for appeals. Concerns raised focussed on how to ensure proper use, favorable clientele, and differentiating between secondary suites and short term rentals. General consensus was that their governance should be included in the Land Use Bylaw.

d. What We’ve Heard Report Concerns have been raised with the lack of public meetings and the opportunity for public input. Currently it is suggested that meetings on the LUB draft may take place in August/September. This is, however, not a very positive time as people are on holidays and farmers are in the field haying and/or harvesting.

The next PAC meetings are scheduled for June 18, 2024 and July 18, 2024.

Up-Coming Meetings: 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, and September 11, 2024, both at 7:30PM at Arbutus Community Hall. Note: No meetings in July and August as we all take a holiday.

 “Happiness is the first day of summer holidays.”!!!