By Marianne Cole
Breaking News
Christopher Read, CAO for Clearwater County has resigned, effective February 13, 2022. Mr. Read joined the County’s Administration team officially on June 1, 2021 and will be leaving his position here to take on a new position in Jasper.
Welcome to New (and Returning) Board Members
As a result of our Annual General Meeting in November we welcome one new board member, one returning after a brief absence, and one taking on a new position, along with six returnees. The 2022 Board is as follows: President: Marianne Cole; Vice-President: Tim Plante (former Director); Secretary: Susan Durand; Treasurer: Pat Butler; Directors: Jim Foesier, Al Gaetz, Larry Titford, Ken Qually (returning after brief absence) and Ron Schultz (new member). We thank Helge Nome who continues as our Communications Coordinator, managing our website, and former Board Member Jim Pearson for his long time support. We look forward to working together for the benefit of taxpayers in our county.
2022 Budget
Earlier in December our County Council met to deliberate the 2022 Operating and Capital Budgets. A simplified chart of the proposed figures for revenues and expenses is included below:
Clearwater County's 2022 Proposed Budget Information
Description 2021 Budget 2022 Proposed Increase/ Decrease
Operating Revenues $53,502,641 $54,502,641 +$1,000,000
Capital Revenues $4,190,834 $16,771,250 +$12,580,416
Total Revenues $57,693,475 $71,273,891 +$13,580,416
Operating Expenses $60,444,314 $63,022,071 +$2,577,757
Capital Expenses $41,007,981 $52,379,099 +$11,371,118
Total Expenses $101,452,295 $115,401,170 +$13,948,875
a 13% Increase
Note: Operating expenses include items for the daily operation of the County such as utilities, salaries, etc. Capital expenses include special projects like road building, equipment purchases, etc.
The difference in revenue and expenses is expected to be resolved by accessing money from our reserves. There is also a potential that council could approve a tax increase when that deliberation takes place in a couple of months.
Interesting comparisons: Red Deer County’s projected 2021 Capital and Operating Expenses were $98,520,561, while the budgeted expenses for 2022 are being REDUCED about $20M to $78,407,869.
Their expense budget is $36,993,301 LESS than Clearwater County’s. In addition, Lacombe County’s 2022 budget shows a combined expense total of $81, 365, 060 which is $34,036,110 less than ours.
(Note: The 2021 figures for all jurisdictions were the ones projected last year and won’t be verified until Audited Financial Statements are provided in April/May.)
This continues to be a topic of varied opinion and questionable cost. In the December 21st Mountaineer it was reported the Councillor Ratcliffe put forward a Notice of Motion to invite Missing Link ( a local Internet Service Provider/ISP) to join Council in an in camera information meeting. Missing Link is a well-known, successful ISP who could provide this Council with very helpful, practical information on broadband operations. The CCTA has repeatedly suggested that Council and Administration could benefit greatly from gathering information from the “people with their feet on the ground” as the success and continued operation of their businesses depend on making sound financial decisions.
We trust that this current Council will value the opportunity to gather needed practical, proven information and pass Councillor Ratcliffe’s motion at their up-coming January 11, 2022 meeting. We would certainly encourage meetings with other ISP’s as well.
Clearwater Regional Fire and Rescue Services
As many of you may have heard, our Clearwater Regional Fire Chief has resigned. A number of rumors have surfaced, but as this is a confidential matter, the CCTA cannot publish/put forward any information. It is the duty of the County and Town Councils, along with Administration, to deal with this issue.
Guest Speaker Coming
Because of the importance of hearing/learning valuable information on improving broadband connectivity in a financially responsible manner, we will be hosting Phil Swanson from Missing Link at our January 12, 2022 meeting. We urge everyone to come and bring a friend to this open, hopefully informative, presentation.
UP-COMING MEETINGS: Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, Guest speaker, Phil Swanson from Missing Link; Wednesday, February 9, 2022, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, Regular Meeting.
THOUGHT FOR THE NEW YEAR: “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” Edith Lovejoy Pierce.
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