By Marianne Cole
At their May 24, 2022 council meeting Clearwater County Council ratified the appointment of Rick Emmons as our Chief Administrative Office (CAO). Following the resignation of our previous CAO Christopher Read in February, Murray Haggan had been the Interim CAO. Rick brings back years of municipal government experience at all levels and had been our highly respected CAO from 2018 – 2021. We certainly welcome him back along with the integrity and dedication he brings to the position.
RAMP Meeting
At our May 11, 2022 CCTA meeting we hosted John Knapp, a consultant with Parkland County. He gave a very informative presentation on RAMP, the Regional Agricultural Management Plan that had been developed by 13 rural and urban municipalities in the Edmonton area. He began his presentation by giving alarming figures on the distinct increase in food needs, while at the same time, an amazing amount of food producing land is being lost to urban sprawl. He cautioned/advised all rural municipalities to consider protecting such land as they develop their related municipal plans/documents. We hope that this might provide significant “food for thought” as our county moves forward with the Municipal Development Plan review.
MDP Review
Through recent communication with the Planning Department, we have learned that the Municipal Development Plan is still under review and a request for a copy of the proposed new draft is unavailable. Council and the Planning Department did meet with Parkland Regional Planning consultant Craig Teal on Thursday, May 12, 2022 but that meeting was not open to the public and no information has been provided from it. As for a timeline for public engagement on the matter, it has been hinted that public meetings might take place in July/August with the final document to be approved in November.
The timing of public engagement to be held in July/August is particularly troubling as people are either on holidays or busy in the hayfield. There is absolutely no excuse for this.
Planning could’ve reviewed the comments from last year in the fall, presented a summary to Council in January and then completed a revised draft in February/March. They could have presented this to Council in April and public engagement meetings could’ve been held in May/June.
When will consideration of/value for public opinion become a top priority?? It is the taxpayers of this county that will ultimately be the most affected in every way, and all efforts should be made to provide the greatest opportunity for their input. July/August doesn’t cut it.
Broadband Issues
Following motions passed at the Council meeting on May 24, 2022, the internal problems with broadband issues continue. Up for discussion/decision at that meeting was 3rd reading of a bylaw to establish a Broadband Committee. First of all a motion was made by Councillor Mehlaff to table 3rd reading until the newly appointed CAO, Rick Emmons, could be brought up to speed on the current matter. This motion was defeated 4-3 with Reeve Lougheed and Councillors Mehlaff and Ratcliffe voting in favor while Councillors Graham, Northcott, Cermak, and Swanson opposed the delay.
Councillor Swanson then moved to grant 3rd reading of the proposed bylaw to establish a Broadband Committee. This motion passed 5-2 with Reeve Lougheed and Councillors Graham, Northcott, Cermak, and Swanson in favor; Councillors Mehlaff and Ratcliffe opposed. (Note: There had previously been a Broadband Committee of which all councillors were members, but it had not met for some time and was disbanded earlier this year.)
Following the passing of that motion to establish a Broadband Committee, Councillor Swanson then moved that the Committee members include Reeve Lougheed and Councillors Mehlhaff, Graham, Northcott, Cermak, and Swanson. Councillor Ratcliffe was excluded. This motion passed 5-2 with the same people voting for/against as the motion above. Consequently, in any future discussions/meetings of the Broadband Committee Councillor Ratcliffe will not be involved, and the opportunity for council to hear valuable information on broadband operations will be thwarted.
Furthermore, from this voting pattern, along with the comments/discussion during the meetings it seems there is a real divide on council on broadband issues, a matter that has (and will continue to) cost the county millions of questionable dollars. It seems that there is a distinct reluctance by administration to listen to, or value, input from someone with practical, first-hand knowledge on this subject. To support that reluctance for quality information, questionable rationale is sometimes being put forward to council to “justify” the need for a very pointed Broadband Policy and now an exclusive Broadband Committee. It seems that the majority of council accepts the presented rationale instead of pausing to reflect on MGA guidelines, the integrity of their teammate involved, and the real benefits of hearing proven expertise.
In our efforts to work for the common good of county taxpayers, the CCTA has requested a review of this troublesome situation by the Office of the Ombudsman.
No summer meetings
As per normal, we will not be holding meetings in July and August but we will try to keep you informed of MDP review happenings with pages in the Western Star if necessary.
Coming Events:
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, regular meeting Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall, regular meeting.
1. What did the pig say at the beach on a hot summer’s day??? I’m bacon.
2. Why is a ball game a good place to go on a hot day??? Because there are lots of fans.
3. When do you go on red and stop on green?? When eating a watermelon.
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