By Marianne Cole
County/Caroline Amalgamation
Public engagement on this matter has concluded with 4 in-person meetings and 1 virtual meeting held over the last month. Information on the process was presented and comments/concerns were addressed. The most serious concerns focussed on the following topics:
Caroline’s 2023 budget shows a balanced revenue/expenditure of $1,092,660.
Their proposed 5 year Capital Plan shows a total expenditure of $3,985,000, with the largest portion ($3,360,000) proposed for 2025 and 2026. If amalgamation were to proceed those larger costs would potentially occur under the new county jurisdiction.
Currently Caroline has a long term debt of $196,295 or 10.4% of its limit.
For 2023, Clearwater County will be contributing $750,473 to enhance life in Caroline. This includes monetary donations to support the library, the Caroline Seniors with their housing, travel and operating costs, the museum, the Hub ($485,000 through the Ag. Society), the Hub medical clinic, school scholarship, volunteer recognition, the Caroline Chamber of Commerce, and Caroline fire services.
Options: Following a review of information gathered at the meetings and Councils’ discussions, these are the possible options to be considered:
Things could stay as is.
Dissolution. Caroline could dissolve and become a hamlet. It would then come under the jurisdiction of the County. Municipal Affairs becomes involved to assist with determining representation on County council, divisional boundary changes, and other matters of consideration when it becomes part of the County.
Amalgamation. This would mean that both jurisdictions would dissolve and a “transitional council” would take over. Then there would likely be a recommendation made by Municipal Affairs as to future council representation and how the county divisions would be allotted. A “transitional council” could potentially be eliminated if the dissolution/amalgamation took place very close to the next election.
· Governance. With amalgamation and the potential establishment of a “transitional council” there could be an unequal balance of power with the 5 representatives for 514 residents of the village joining the 7 representatives for the 11,000 county residents. The possibility exists that village councillors plus one or two county councillors could sway decisions on county matters.
· Finances. What happens to the County’s reserves if dissolution/amalgamation occurs?? What happens to Caroline’s current debt and the proposed capital/infrastructure costs??
While it sounds “neighborly” to proceed with “amalgamation”, a larger number of area residents (and their tax dollars) should not be compromised for the benefit a few… especially when Caroline isn’t as financially endangered as the rumor mill has suggested.
Note of Interest
In 2015 the County purchased 112 acres of land on the northeast edge of Caroline for the purpose of establishing an industrial park. To date over $3M has been spent on the land purchase along with grading and paving. Unfortunately none of the 10 lots in Phase 1 have been sold. This is likely due to the fact that it is a “Dry Park”--- no water and sewer. Perhaps discussion between the village and county should focus on a water/sewage development agreement instead of amalgamation. Attracting business development to this park could be a win-win for both jurisdictions.
Municipal Development Plan
No new news here. A councillor workshop is being planned to discuss amendments/ideas to incorporate the public’s comments into a new draft. Once completed, the revised document will be brought to Council for their consideration/approval.
Solar Farm Meeting
Due to the increased interest from solar operations to establish solar farms in our area, the CCTA is hosting an information meeting on this subject. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 7:30PM at the Arbutus Community Hall. We will be hosting 3 guest speakers: Darcy Allan from the Farmers’ Advocate Office, MLA Jason Nixon, and Stan Bell from the Sustainable Ag Land (SAL) group at Benalto. There are some serious concerns related to these potential operations and we encourage you to come and hear the information to be presented.
Coming Events:
Solar Meeting, Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall Regular monthly meeting,
Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 7:30PM, Arbutus Community Hall
Thought for Easter:
“Easter is the only time of year it is safe to put all your eggs in one basket.” Anonymous.
Challenging one of the points made in the above text:
ReplyDelete"While it sounds “neighborly” to proceed with “amalgamation”, a larger number of area residents (and their tax dollars) should not be compromised for the benefit a few… especially when Caroline isn’t as financially endangered as the rumor mill has suggested."
In the longer term County residents stand to benefit from having Caroline incorporated into Clearwater County as lower taxes will attract development to the former Village which can become a southern development node of Clearwater County.